Courtney and Mertyl

Courtney was born in 1999. Mertyl was born in Italy in 1967. I love both of them! Both of them make me smile! But, I love Courtney so much more than Mertyl!
Courtney also happens to like Mertyl... So it is a winning situation for all of us!
Mertyl is a 1967 Vespa Sprint 150cc, VBB. She has been restored twice.
First in 2007, and then again in 2008 after a truck driver rode over me (breaking my left knee, ankle, tibia and fibulae also see this post on the accident). She is worth every cent I've spent on her!
This is what Mertyl used to look like before she was restored (she was a bit old, rusted, silver and ratty). And here are some pictures of the first restoration (stripped down, resprayed, looking great!). This post was written on the day I took delivery of Mertyl after her SECOND restoration in 2008 - I could not ride her since I was still in cast with my broken leg. One of my kind friends, Paul Oosthuizen, did the honours! Thanks Paul!
This photo of Courtney and Mertyl was taken using a Lomo effect in Instagram on my iPhone 3GS.