Leica 365 - a Photo a day with my Leica M8 camera

I love my Leica M8 camera! It has such a tactile photographic experience - all manual! It reminds me a bit of famous John's Pizzeria in New York (I ate at the Times Square pizzeria with my friend Steve Johnstone from Unashamedly Ethical recently. John's Pizzeria does traditional pizza pies - no slices, no delivery, no credit cards! It was awesome Pizza!)
My M8 feels a bit like that! No autofocus, a fixed focal length, not even a built in flash on the camera. But boy, oh boy, the images that come from the camera are so beautiful! And Incan't take much credit for the photos. There is something about the Leica design, the Kodak sensor and that German glass that makes it beautiful. I love the feeling of raising the camera to my eye, framing the shot, setting the aperture, the ISO and shutter speed and then lining up the two images in the rangefinder until I get perfect focus!
In order to improve my photography I have decided to take a photo a day with this camera and this lens. You can follow those posts on my tumblr blog at http://digitaldion.tumblr.com

I have added a gallery to my blog to upload the photos for my Leica 365 project. I upload most of my photos directly to my Tumblr account. So please do check that for the most up to date photos. However, the gallery below will also be updated.
I'd love to hear your feedback, advice and any other feedback you may have!