The value of education?

I came across this great quote today.
Without education, we are in a horrible and deadly danger of taking educated people seriously.— G. K. Chesterton
I used to tell my students the following (in jest of course!)
In my Bachelor's Degree I came to learn a little bit about quite a lot. Then in my Honours degree I read a little bit more about a little bit less. I my Masters degree I came to know quite a lot about very little… And, in my Doctoral studies I got to know everything about nothing!
Of course a good education is a worthy thing! But, the purpose of education is to gain knowledge, skills and values that can serve humanity. Some tend to think that the purpose of education is to become 'important', or to distinguish themselves from others.
Learn in order to serve. And, serve in order to learn. It makes your education much more useful to society. What do you think?