Faith matters: intelligibly unintelligible

I am reading Stanley Hauerwas' Approaching the end: Eschatological reflections on Church, Politics and Life. It comes highly recommend. I found the following quote so helpful in thinking about the 'shape' of my own faith.
For I take it to be crucial that Christians must live in such a manner that their lives are unintelligible if the God we worship in Jesus Christ does not exist.
- Stanley Hauerwas, Approaching the end (p.67).
Indeed, the character of our lives, not our confessions, but our very lives, must seem strange to a world that is so obsessed with power, wealth, class and fame. The way of the Christ follower must seem nonsensical to those who do not understand the God whom we love and know. Of course it makes sense to us only because we know God and have experienced God's grace and power that transforms life, brings wholeness and motivates our reason for being who and how we are in the world.
If our lives, and the expression of our lives (our homes, our bank accounts, our Churches) resemble too closely to conventions of our time we need to take stock and ask whether we have not given in to one of the many false God's of the age. We should be different, since God's nature and ways are different. But our difference should not be a reason for division, but rather a call to real life, a call to full life, a call to move closer to the life giver.