An ethics of care? Gender, politics, justice and care

Is care tied to gender? What is an ethics of care? What are the political implications of care?
Today's VLOG is Part 1 of an interview with Prof Frits de Lange from the Protestant Theological University, Groningen on the Ethics of Care.
He introduces the topic for us, suggests some wonderful reading and we also get to see a bit of Groningen in the video.
My thanks to Prof de Lange for hosting us for a wonderful conference on Compassion, and for his willingness to be interviewed on his research specialisation.
In Part 2 of the video that will be released later this week Prof de Lange speaks to us about 'Loving later life: An ethics of ageing' which is his recent book. So keep an eye out for that.
Enjoy the video - Frits is wonderful to listen to! I would love to hear your thoughts, ideas and feedback on this important topic!