Global warming, depletion of our oil reserves, HIV infection, malnutrition - what must God feel? It's time to start paying attention!

Sivin's blog is my current favourite! I love the way he thinks, but also the diversity of issues that he challenges me to think about. This morning, just after my devotions, I checked my RSS feeds and came across the 'World Clock' countdown. I used it as a prayer tool - as I watched the planet warming and the oil draining, as I saw the population grow, and people being infected with HIV, as I realised that the little ticking numbers represented real living (and dying) people, asked God to forgive me for my lack of care for God's good earth, and all the people that God loves! I prayed that God would help me to be more environmentally conscious, more compassionate and caring for others, more responsible with my consumption and spending... and encourage others to do the same.
Technoratti tags: global warming, poodwaddle, earth clock, prayer, environmental ethics