The Church and the Millennium Development Goals (MDG's)

Yesterday I had a chance to do a presentation at the Stellenbosch University Winter school on the role of the Church in reaching the Millennium Development Goals (MDG's). Here are the slides from that presentation.
The good news is that there has been some great progress towards achieving the 8 MDG's and addressing extreme poverty across the world. However, it is critical that we finish well! It would seem that some early strides were made, and that now many governments have slowed their progress on more difficult issues.
The role of the Church is crucial in this process. My reasoning was quite simple:
1. The Christian faith is the largest faith on earth.
2. Our scriptures are clear that we should work for justice for all people. The earth is the Lords, we have stewardship of it and we need to do a better job of caring for one another and the plant.
3. There are simple and practical things that we can do. They begin with prayer but must move to action.
4. I encouraged the listeners to move through the 4 stages of engagement (as mentioned by David Korten in his research), namely from A) Charity B) Projects C) Advocacy and Policy engagement to D) Social movements for change (e.g., like the suffigen movement in the last century).
I gave three examples:
- Micah Challenge Australia and the 'Finish the race' campaign at
- Unashamedly Ethical which is a global ethics advocacy community with support and encouragement
- Promising life, a South African project to work for the maternal health care and the reduction of infant mortality in South Africa (we have one of the best policy frameworks for basic health care, and great allocation of resources, yet delivery and implementation by the Department of Health in South Africa is dismal!) join them here
Of course I would encourage you please to sign up to EXPOSED and send a strong message to the leaders of the G20 that global corruption is not acceptable! Go to the website or sing up below