Methodist Church launches an iPhone app - now that's missional thinking!

The Methodist Church of Britain has just launched an iPhone app - the application is available for free from the iTunes store and works on the iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad (in fact the screen grab that you'll see in this post comes from my iPad - I have it expanded to double size to fill the iPad screen).
I think this is a marvelous, missional, idea! In a context where persons are far more likely to want to structure their encounter with the Christian faith around their available time and location this is just another wonderful means of adding value to people's lives! Don't get me wrong, I am still convinced that people need community and places of real connection (such as that offered by a local congregation). But, we have to be honest - in Britain there are fewer persons who will want to make a faith connection through their local Church, than those who may be willing to receive a daily prayer and some reflection upon scripture on their phone (to read wherever they are).
The application is quite simple - it has a 'Spirit' section which has one part that offers prayers chosen from the Methodist prayer book and another section that offers thoughtful reflections upon sections of scripture. The other part of the application offers news (naturally with a Christian, Methodist, and UK slant).
I think this is a great idea! It even got some international news coverage! We need more forward thinking like this in denominations across the world!
Tip of the hat to Thomas for sending me the link about this story at the BBC website.
Do you use a devotional application on your computer or phone? Do you have any others to recomend? Do you know of any other Churches or Christian groups that are offering similar outreach tools on creative technology platforms? I'd love to hear your thoughts and feedback!