One week to go until the start of the Third Lausanne Congress on World Evangelization!

In one week from today (Sunday the 17th of October 2010) the Third Lausanne Congress on World Evangelization will kick off at the Cape Town International Convention Centre in Cape Town! To view a short video (or read about) the history of the Lausanne movement please follow this link. And, for a post that has information about all the sources where you can get information about talks, videos, publications and intereactions around Lausanne please visit this link.
This congress is the culmination of years of physical labour (preparing the venues, booking flights, securing VISA's, getting hotels sorted out planning programs, inviting participants etc.) and prayer and theological work! I've had the privelage of serving in various capacities on the Lausanne team (heading up Social Networking, serving on the Theology working group, the 'World of Work' / Marketplace group and also on the Resource Mobilization working group. Together with that I am part of the arrangements team that has planned and executed the practical arrangements for the congress (the CTICC, volunteers (which my wonder wife Megan has managed), transport etc.).
This is going to be a truly significant meeting of leaders from all over the world coming together to do theology and develop strategy for the establishment of God's good news, God's gracious Kingdon, all across the earth!
If you're interested in my previous posts about Lausanne please visit this link. Here's a general link of Lausanne related posts that I've made since I joined the team early in 2008.
Steve Hayes, one of the most respected bloggers in South Africa, wrote a great article on one of his blogs asking why there is not more 'buzz' and interest around Lausanne in South Africa. It got me thinking! Here's my response to Steve.
Before you dive into it - please can I encourage you to pray for the 4500 people from over 170 nations across the earth who are traveling to Cape Town for the congress? Please pray for the proceedigns, and PLEASE make your voice heard! Even if you're not in Cape Town please join our Twitter feed and stay up to date with what is happening and share your comments, ideas and feedback! Our twitter feed is @CapeTown2010 and you can join our facbook page here.
Hi Steve,
Thanks for the post! I am continually grateful for the exposure that you give to Lausanne on your blogs. Thank you.
The idea that Lausanne is not gaining much attention or favour among South African Christians is valid to a point.
I've thought about the reasons for this often. In part it is because we can only have 50 'chosen' participants - that is a tiny representation per nation who are at the congress! You may find that everywhere (except America) has a similar problem with getting ordinary Christians excited about something that is not easy to participate in.
Second, I have thought that we in South Africa do not have a traditionally large 'evangelical' Christian community. Rather, we have main line conservative and liberal Christians, a growing number of pentecostal and charismatic groupings, and of course a massive African Initiated Christian grouping.
I'm sure that there are many other reasons as well.
However, let me add to this that South Africa has more active participants in the official blogger network than any other country (except America). Among the official Lausanne Blogger Network participants from South Africa are many of the top 20 Christian (Religion) bloggers. They include:
Stephen Murray, Mark Penrith, Peter Houston, John van de Laar, and my blog. You (and here) have also done a sterling job to promote and highlight many of the issues of Lausanne directly and indirectly.
I have asked Stephen Murray to come to Lausanne as a 'social networking' and 'blogger' champion. We shall also have Andrew Jones (tallskinnykiwi) and Aaron Marshall (techsmo and churchsmo) on site.
It is my hope that we shall generate a great deal of content and participation during the congress, and continue the interest once the congress is done!
The simplest way to stay up to date is to either follow Lausanne on twitter @CapeTown2010 or join our Lausanne facbook page.
Finally, because each country was only able to have 50 delegates present we have set up 'global link' sites across the world. These sites are open for anyone to attend and the proceedings, presentations and discussions of the Cape Town congress will be beamed out via satellite.
Thanks for posting your thoughts and for the opportunity to post this response. I'll add it to my blog as well.
Rich blessing,
Please check in on my blog for more as we share from the congress itself.
God bless,