A map of the world IN Africa - the real size of Africa

Boing boing posted this wonderful visual representation of the true size of Africa in relation to other geographical regions on earth. It is fascinating to see how North America compares to West Africa, or how England relates to Madagascar.
Once again this confirms that our perceptions of the size of countries is so often shaped by social, cultural and historical bias, rather than by geographic land mass!
I previously posted about this in a post entitled "What the world really looks like".
Bias can be a powerful thing! Also see my post on bias and ethics which shows why it is easier to steal time or pencils from your employer than money.
The following quote rings true for me:
@DanDeWitt: Those who refuse to acknowledge their bias are destined to be blinded by it.
How can we counteract our own biases on reality? Is it necessary to do so?
You can read the original boing boing article here.