Prayer, what is it? And, how does it work?

Prayer! It is such an incredible gift! Yet, I think so few Christians understand the real power, blessing, and potential that came come from a life of prayer.
This week is the first Sunday in Lent. Now many of us have come to think that lent is a time in the Christian calendar when we are called to take some time to grow in our understanding of what it cost God to be in relationship with us. Traditionally Christians have given something up for Lent, and of course the reason for that was to help the believer to share in some small way in the cost of Christ’s suffering, and to be reminded of what it cost Christ to set us free. For example some of us have taken up fasting, every time that we are hungry we are reminded that we have become much more dependent on food than on God, that in fact we have a greater hunger for food than we have a hunger for God! It also reminds us that what we can choose to do, that is remain without a meal, is not a choice for so many. My temporary hunger is a daily reality for millions of people all around us. Lent helps us to reconnect with the God who did not count the cost of loving us.
Now, I am not sure what you’re giving up for lent (if anything). However, this year I want to encourage you not just to give something up, but to TAKE SOMETHING UP.
In this podcast (which is an episode of my radio program from Radio Pulpit) I discuss prayer by considering an aspect of the prayer life of Jesus. 24/7 prayers as a lifestyle of intimacy with God.
You can download the episode here (6.2mb, MP3).
I'd love to hear your feedback, comments and input!