Bible Study for day 2 of the 130th Conference of the Methodist Church of Southern Africa

This morning I have the responsibility of conducting the second Bible study at the 130th Conference of the Methodist Church of Southern Africa. The word ‘Conference’ comes from a practice that John Wesley initiated in order to read the scriptures, and discern God’s will, by ‘conferring’ with others. His intention with this practice was to discover what it means to live with a ‘holiness of heart and life’. Today we discern what it means to do justice, to love mercy and to walk humbly with God. So please pray for us as we read, and reflect, in order to discern God’s will and God’s way, and then to choose and to act in accordance with, no matter the cost.
You can download a PDF copy of the Bible study from dropbox here.
Confrontation and promise from a rural poet - Micah 6:1-8 (200KB, PDF file)
Update - here is a copy of a video of the Bible study that was recorded by the Media Liaison of of the Methodist Church of Southern Africa.
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