Leica M8 with Voigtlander Nokton 50mm F1.1 lens - a photograph of my son

This is a photo of my son Liam. It was taken on my old Leica M8 with a Voigtlander Nokton 50mm F1.1 lens. At an aperture of F1.8. I love this old camera. The slow and deliberate process of manual photography is a welcome change to the ultra convenient, high quality, point and shoot style of my iPhone. It takes time to frame the shot, to focus using the range finder, choosing the aperture, ISO and shutter speed to avoid over exposure or under exposure. I get very few near perfect shots, but when you do get one, it feels great! A memory of my precious son at 10 years old. Here are a few other photographs taken on the same walk.
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