Another journey begins - Uganda and Rwanda (and Bryanston!)

Tomorrow I depart for Uganda and Rwanda.
These two nations have been in the news a great deal in recent years. The populations of these two beautiful countries have faced a great deal of struggle and hardship in their history - however, both countries seem to be finding their way out of that legacy and charting a new path.
Rwanda is popularly known as the Switzerland of Africa because of its mountainous beauty, its cleanliness and emerging social and economic efficiency. This is wonderful news when one considers the genocide that brought this nation into the news a few short years ago.
What has always struck me about the Rwandan genocide is that the population is overwhelmingly Christian - I believe that 98% of Rwandan's profess the Christian faith. However, I'm sure that we would all agree that there is something wrong with a faith that allows neighbours to kill each other, children to kill their friends, and ethnic ideology to outweigh Christian peace and loving conviction.
I will also be spending some time in Uganda doing some television work, speaking at the Watoto Church, and doing some speaking engagements for business people (Christian, secular and persons of other faiths). Uganda is also showing wonderful signs of social and economic reform. Many in Africa look to such countries, who are trying to combat poverty and corruption, and take the lead from them. I hope that we too can learn something about what they are doing, and perhaps add a little something in return.
I will be in Uganda and Rwanda with Graham Power, and together we will be representing the Unashamedly Ethical campaign. I will be speaking about, and representing, 'EXPOSED - Shining a light on corruption' (follow us on Twitter @EXPOSED2013. Our friends form Media Village will also be in there with us to do some of the television work for Inspire Africa.
Please could you pray for us? The darkness does not like to be pushed back by the light. Pray for our families back home. Please pray that God prepares the way for us, that we have great love and humility in our lives so that we can serve His people. Please pray that God gives us courage, together with His love, to encourage, support and inspire his people. Please thank God for the people of Rwanda and Uganda and for all that God is doing.
I return to Johannesburg on the weekend and will spend Holy Week preaching at the Bryanston Methodist Church. From Sunday the 1st of April to Wednesday the 4th of April we shall be concentrating on Jesus prayer in John 17. There are a number of very important lessons to consider in that important prayer. They teach us about our relationship with God, our relationships with others, and our responsibility in this world. Please do join us each evening you can find out details about this event here.
Megan, Courtney and Liam will be joining me in JHB for the week. It is going to be great! We retun to Cape Town just after Easter and then I will be working in Cape Town until the 23rd when I'll be going to Orlando and New York for some meetings for EXPOSED campaign.
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