Global Corruption - a meeting in the Houses of Parliament

Today was such an amazing day!
As I write this I am sitting in the Houses of Parliament in London listening to a presentation on International Corruption by Richard Alderman of the Serious Fraud Office.
The image on the left was taken at the entry hall into the House of Lords. It is such an amazing space! I decided to take it in black and white (the light was not great, and a building of this size and space is best captured in black and white!)
Back to the presentation; what was clear from the presentation is that corruption, on an international scale, is an extremely serious matter. The costs and repercussions of corruption in the international arena have grave consequences for the poor. Yet, the reach is also into the middle class and even the wealtheir members of society. Corruption quite simply erodes the fabric of society making it unstable and leaving us all vulnerable. If corruption is left unchecked it tends to increase, drawing in more and more persons and leaving more and more victims in its wake.
The presentation gave some insights into the manner in which corruption is hidden from the general public. In short, it is because we all have a sense of moral 'rightness' within us, we know that abuse of power, wealth, and position for personal benefit is unjust. Corruption is not only a matter for governments, it is also very prevalent in businesses, and even in NGO's and the religious sector. In some instances companies are far more corrupt (and powerfully so!), and the consequences of their corrupt practises are far more severe, than those of governments.
What strikes me as I have listened to this presentation is that many countries in which corruption is rife have an overwhelmingly Christian population. Why isn’t the Church forming its members to act responsibly in their role in government and business - in society in general? In many of these instances it is persons who sit in our pews on Sunday, who are robing the poor, stealing form the nation, and breaking the law on a Monday.
Christians, what should we be doing about corruption in our midst? What do you do if you are aware of corrupt practises in your work environment, or you have been involved in corrupt practises yourself?
What would God want you to do? What would God want your Church to do?
Our meetings for EXPOSED continue today. I would appreciate your prayers! Follow EXPOSED on twitter here and please 'like' us on Facebook.
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