Heading out from New York

It was almost a week ago, to the day, that I arrived in New York.
This week has been spent meeting with the partners of EXPOSED - Shining a light on corruption (such as the World Evangelical Alliance, the American Bible Society, and the Salvation Army), and then many other friends of this campaign and the Unashamedly Ethical movement. I also had the wonderful blessing to speak at two engagements to encourage and challenge Christians to take the mandate for justice seriously in their faith life!
I am more convinced than ever that our witness, and our work, is intricately linked to how we act justly in the world.
Justice is not something we should do - rather just is what we should be. Don't 'do justice' rather strive to 'be just' in all you do.
Today I head from New York to France (where I will meet up with Megan, Courtney and Liam!) and then from there we go to England where I have some meetings with friends and partners of EXPOSED, as well as meetings at the Alpha International offices, Micah Challenge, and then on to a holiday for a week or so with my brother and sister in law (Craig and Kath!)
I would appreciate your prayers for me, and for my family, and for the work we are doing. We are facing some serious challenges in South Africa around corruption and the rule of law at the moment. Our stand for justice and righteousness has provoked a rather heavy response from the governing party. Please pray that the Church's witness will be consistent and strong. Please pray that our leaders will have soft and open hearts, that their values will honourable and their actions righteous and for the sake of the people.
Please also join me and the millions of others we will reach by signing your name to the EXPOSED campaign. If you believe that God cares about corruption and poverty then add your voice at http://www.exposed2013.com
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