We cannot divorce service of God from the service of humanity - some changes ahead

Last month I read Eric Metaxas' great biography of Dietric Bonhoeffer 'Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy'.
It has served as a wonderful reminder to me that my calling is to be a servant of God first and foremost. And, that my service of God is to find expression in service to humanity. Bonhoeffer was carefuly to understand what he could do, and then to do his best to apply himself to those tasks faithfully and with courage. There is a lesson for all of us in his life - try to spend your life doing the things that God has created and called you to do. Life is too short to waste on other things!
The quote below expresses Bonhoeffer's understanding of this notion so succintly:
The Incarnation is the ultimate reason why the service of God cannot be divorced from the service of man.
- Dietrich Bonhoeffer
To be human is to be 'incarnate' in the world where God has placed you. There is work to be done in the community where you live, among the people that you see each day, and with the skills, ability and gifts that God has given you.
I will admit that I have been a little quiet on my blog for the last month or so.
In part that is because I have been busy (every blogger's excuse!) However, that does not mean that I have not been posting! If you look to the left of this blog (at least the form it is in now, in September 2011, you will see my Tumblr feed listed in the first colum of your browser window). I have simply found it much easier to post in the short and medium format that Tumblr allows and so I have shared brief thoughts, quotes, photographs and ideas there. So, look in on http://digitaldion.tumblr.com from time to time.
Yet, in part I have also been a little slower in posting to my blog since I have been taking time to pray and discern the way forward in my ministry and life.
I have had three fairly 'distinct' phases to my ministry.
- I was a minister who pastored various Methodist Churches for almost 15 years.
- I was an academic who held posts at both Seminaries and Universities for some years.
- Most recently I have held a corporate chaplaincy and spent a great deal of my time working among business people in the world of work. Of course while doing this I have remained a minister of the Methodist Church of Southern Africa and continued to hold a post at two South African Universities.
I am about to move into another phase of my ministry. Not everything is in place, but I have permission from my Bishop, the blessing of my friends that I am currently serving, and some opportunities taking shape.
The last (almost) 4 years have been absolutely amazing! I have discovered a side to ministry that has been such a blessing to me, while I hope it has brought some joy to those among whom I have ministered. I have had the opportunity to travel the world, meet many wonderful people and experience so many new things as I have sought to faithfully serve Christ 'in the marketplace'.
This will not end. I will continue to serve as the Chaplain to the Power Group of Companies, the Global Day of Prayer and Unashamedly Ethical campaigns. Although I shall give about 50% of my time to this wonderful work.
From January 2012 I shall be returning to a greater measure of Academic work.
I have been invited to take up a post at the University of Stellenbosch in Ekklesia, a Unit of the Faculty of Theology at the University. I cannot tell you how blessed I am to be able to transition into this new role of service and responsibility! To start with I will have responsibility for the Master of Theology courses that are run within the Unit, as well as some research output.
Together with this wonderful opportunity I was offered a scholarship to do a second PhD. I have been working on a Doctorate in New Testament at Radboud University in Nijmegen, Holland, for part of this year. Radboud is a distinguished research University - Edward Schillebeeckx was a Professor there, and Henri Nouwen did some of his studies there as well. From January I will devote a little more time and attention to this great opportunity. It truly is a gift of a lifetime! I am working under Professor Jan van der Watt, reading in the area of narratology in John's Gospel. I shall apply some of the insights I developed in my first PhD in approaching the text - bringing an interdisciplinary perspective to reading the text of John (from integrative studies, neuroscience and African relational ontology).
Lastly, I shall do some consulting work - over the last few years I have found that I am approached more and more frequently to speak at conferences and gatherings on various subjects (most recently it has been on my book 'Transform your work life' (Amazon copy and Kindle Edition) which deals with developing spirituality, ministry and faith in the world of work).
But I have also developed quite a strong base of friends and clients with whom I do spiritual guidance, counselling, life coaching and strategic development. So I will continue to help individuals and teams (companies, churches, communities) to navigate complex challenges by drawing on my experience in ministry, spiritual direction and of course my studies in cognitive neuroscience and integrative theory.
So, I would appreciate your prayers as I move towards this change. Please offer thanks with me that this space has been created by Graham Power and my friends in the Power Group. They have been generous and gracious in allowing me to structure my time in this way. I am also grateful that my Bishop has so kindly supported this shift in ministry. Also give thanks for these new opportunities that are arising at the Universities and with various friends and clients. Please could I also ask that you pray for the practical matters that we shall need to manage, such as generating sufficient income and managing my time and resources wisely?
Indeed, these are exciting times ahead! My greatest desire is to serve God through service to humanity!
Do remember that if you are looking for someone to come and do something creative with a group at work or Church just drop me a line. Or if you are looking for someone to journey with you to solve a particular challenge you're facing, or simply for support, guidance and encouragement, please consider making use of my time.
Reader Comments (1)
I should think, from the point of view of the scope of such a course, one should take into account the major, complementary spiritualities which have been characterised as ascending and descending, One ascends to God through spiritual formation, or one descends before God to abasement. Bonhoeffer would seem to evidence some such distinction in Letters & Papers from Prison July 21st 1944.