Will Blackberry make their great Blackberry Messenger available for Android and iPhone devices?

I have to carry two phones each day. My personal phone is an iPhone 4 - I simply could not manage without my iPhone! I use it for calls, web browsing, email, my mileage calculator for tax purposes, my camera (instagram!), this blogg (this post was written on the sqaurespace app for iPhone), twitter, my Audible books... The list goes on and on!
However, my employer has supplied me with a great little Blackberry 9700. I also love the BB, it is not a great phone, neither is it a great 'consumer' or entertainment device like the iPhone. However, I have become so reliant on the Blackberry Messenger! My wife and many of my friends use BBM. It is fantastic to stay in touch, share pictures, and do it all for free. I know many people who have cut their monthly cell phone bill drastically through using BBM to stay in touch with friends and family all over the world!
It would be fantastic if Blackberry made their messenger available for iPhone (and Android)!
So, this story from One of my favorite blogs, jkontherun that discusses the possibility of RIM putting the BBM on iPhone and Android really got me excited! http:/http://gigaom.com/mobile/will-or-can-rim-take-the-road-ibm-once-travelled/
What phone do you use (or want) and what do you love about it?
Reader Comments (1)
Having worked in this business for many years, the number of Blackberries sold to businesses largely outweighs the number of iPhones/Android devices and anything else all put together. RIM might me losing terrain on the consumer battlefield, but they are not even close to losing their position as the #1 business phone. No matter how many apps there should be, I say it will be a long time before account administrators switch all their technology over to iOS or Android x.0.