Jacksonville - 22 March 2011 - Prayer breakfast and off to San Francisco

This morning we awoke early to get to the 'Potters House' for Graham to speak at the Jacksonville Prayer breakfast. It was a lovely event with 700 persons in attendance. The theme of the breakfast was to work together for community transformation. Jacksonville is a very good example of how Christians can work together to engage the 'systems' and 'structures' of society. They have engaged local politicians, the Sherif, the schools and various businesses.
It is great to see Christians (and Churches) taking responsibility for the tangible transformation and renewal of their society.
Graham spoke wonderfully about the power of simple choices to live with values and ethics, to stand against corruption, greed and abuse, and to life sacrificially to see God's Kingdom established in tangible ways in society.
We wrap up this evening at a city event - the City of Jacksonville is a sister city to Port Elizabeth in South Africa. So, Graham, Etienne, Dawie and I have been invited to a banquet to celebrate that partnership and share greetings with some city officials in Jacksonville - today happens to be election day! So, it is going to be an exciting evening.
We also had 2 hours off yesterday - Graham had to get some clothes sorted out, and so the rest of us headed along to the St John's Apple store! I saw the iPad 2 in person... It is not enough of an update for me to upgrade (not to mention that my cash flow is WAY too tight), but there is simply not enough of a change for me to part with my 32gig 3G first generation iPad. But, it was fun to be at the Apple shop - it was SO busy there!
Graham and I head off to San Francisco tomorrow at 4am tomorrow. We will fly out of Jacksonville at 6am and then to Houston in Texas and arrive in San Francisco by 11.30 am. Tomorrow evening (Wednesday) we will be speaking at a Christian Business gathering in San Francisco with Brett Johnson.
Please continue to pray for us.
Can I also please ask, very especially, that you pray for my wife Megan and my kids Courtney and Liam in South Africa? Liam is sick at the moment - he has tonsillitis. Please pray that he recovers quickly and completely! It makes it quite difficult for Megie to manage her work, looking after the kids, and taking care of little Liam when he is sick and con not go to school. Thank you!
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