Monday morning atheist?

I am sitting at the departure gate to Johannesburg - tonight I fly from Cape Town in order to speak at the Edenvale Baptist Church's two services tomorrow morning and spend some time with their leaders reflecting on what it means to be faithful to God's mission for them in the world.
As always I am excited and blessed by this opportunity!
I have chosen the question 'Monday morning atheist?' as my theme. My friend Doug Spada wrote a great book with that title (you can fin out more about him and the book at - Doug is an amazing guy, and his book is one of the best I have read on being a Christian in the world of work).
Simply stated, I have come to realize that many Christians may behave like disciples of Jesus on Sunday, but many others act like atheists on Monday. We worship in Church on Sunday, but on Monday we act as if we have no faith! This is so sad since the world of work is one of the greatest opportunities for us to live out our faith in Jesus and work to establish his transforming and healing Kingdom in business, education, the arts, politics, the family and a host of other critical aspects of our lives!
Much of what I'll be talking about comes from my book 'Transform your work life: Turn your ordinary day into an extraordinary calling!'. You can order copies of the book (or download a few free chapters) from the links on the left hand side of this blog.
Of you're interested in inviting me to come and share some of what the Lord has been doing among us in the world of work, please drop me a line. I'd be honored to come and spend some time with you or your group!
Please pray for us as we gather tomorrow! God bless,
Reader Comments (6)
It is not possible to be a Monday morning atheist if you are not a Sunday morning christian,,here is a quote from something I read this morning..
"one proves he is no longer under condemnation for his sin when he walks in a manner worthy of his calling (Ephesians 4:1"
While one can be a proffesing christian one might still be a practical atheist, in the words of another " One cannot accept God's grace and then live like He gave no law to obey"
Just my thoughts. Blessings and hope you enjoy your time with the Baptists.
Hi Simon,
Thanks for the comment and great insight!
Doug Spada (who I mention in this post) has a great saying The Church on Monday is proof that the Church on Sunday is true. I like that!
Of course John van de Laar (see @sacredise on twitter) wrote that great book 'the Hour that changes everything' that makes the strongest case I have yet read between Sunday and Monday Church! it is well worth reading!
God bless!
Hi Dion,
I hope your time with the Baptists went well. It's so good to hear that people are taking the need for worship to affect the rest of our lives seriously. Thanks also for the plug of my book in the comments here.
I agree with what you're saying here. It's all to common for us to be believers on Sunday and atheists on Monday - or what I like to call "functional atheists". Unfortunately, when this happens, it shows that what we've done on Sunday was only going through the motions and was not genuine worship at all. When we engage mindfully and wholeheartedly in the practices of worship on Sunday, they must change us so that we begin to live as citizens of the Reign of God. And when we begin to live like that, it really does change everything!
Thanks for the great thoughts!
Thanks the comment John. I made mention of you and your book when preaching at Seth Mokitimi Methodist Seminary last night - my topic was 'A missional theology for the world (and the Church!)'
I hope to see you at Coronation Ave on Sunday evening.
Grace and peace,
Thanks Dion!
I hope we do get to connect on Sunday - that would be awesome. Maybe we can do coffee or something after the service?
That sounds perfect! I'll connect offline to set up the details.