An update on Courtney 8 September 2010

A quick update on Courts.
We’ve just arrived back from the hospital – Courtney has been discharged!
Her eye is looking so much better. We saw the neurosurgeon. It was an emotional meeting. He was very calm and explained everything to Courtney and gave her a chance to ask questions etc. He showed her the ‘acorn’ in her brain and explained why it was giving her headaches and making her a little clumsy. He also showed her how he will remove it and told her that once we have it out we can see what the next step will be.
Of course she is a little scared and quite emotional, but we have assured her of God’s power and love. Also, we have great trust in the doctor’s expertise and skill. We know that the Lord will use every means at His disposal to restore her to full health before we know it!
The surgery has been scheduled for the 23rd of September – as we had thought the 15th is a little too soon. They need to be certain that the infection from the eye is completely clear before trying to remove the tumor. The risk of cross infection and meningitis is too high for an earlier surgery. The neurosurgeon feels comfortable with this new timeframe. We will see her other doctor on Friday and then go for a cat-scan before the surgery.
Courts will not return to school for the next while (perhaps mid October). We’ve met with her teacher and have their full support.
I’m afraid to say that the devil is still trying to break our resolve – last night Liam fell ill again! Can you believe it? We had him at his doctor this morning. The doctor has diagnosed him with tonsillitis, pneumonia and a double ear infection... He is on a bucketful of medicine! We would appreciate your prayers for his swift recovery as well.
Well, that is our news for now. Thank you so much for your prayers and care. We all appreciate it a great deal! Courts sends her love, as do Megie and LtG!
Reader Comments (9)
Agg nee man Dion.
Keeping you all in our prayers.
Gus, H and Z
So sorry to hear this, Dion. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
"By this we know love...that He laid down His life for us". And, by abiding in us daily, Our Lord lays down his life continually, so that we may have confidence to approach the Throne of Grace.
An Anglican "book prayer" for Courtney as she prepares for surgery:
Courtney, may the Lord bless you as you face your operation. May he take from you all fear and anxiety and keep you in his peace. May he give your surgeon and all others who minister to you skill, wisdom and compassion, and may you be speedily restored to health; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
My friend
You are all in our prayers right now. May the Lord continue to give you all the strength you need and may God grant you peace. May Courtney understand the love of Jesus, even more so, as she sees your love for her.
The devil will not have the final word - you have the Victory, through Jesus.
Delme and Kim
Thanks for the update. Thoughts and prayers with you all. Hope Liam is better soon. xx
Hey D, I am sorry to hear of Courts and Liam. I will not pretend to understand the anguish and worry that you and Megs must be experiencing. I wish we were closer to come and shed a tear with you. Please send Megan my and Keryn's love. We are praying for you!
Reading some of the rest of your blog I am reminded how much I miss your company and how much I am blessed by your your zeal. I have always sensed a kindred spirit in you. Last night I led a seminar on the MIssional Church here in Huntsville Alabama and was blessed by the opportunity to challenge people to think outside the box and to rediscover their first love. I love one of your comments - "You cannot love Jesus without loving his ways."
Anyway, this is not the time to wax lyrical. Just know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. Love you.
Dear Dion and your family,
You see - God's power is at work already. May you know His power and strength as you deal with all of this. You are all held in the palm of His hand and covered by His protection.
Many blessings
Renny and Alec
All our love to you and family... our prayers are with you.
You are in my prayers at this difficult time!
With love,
Dear Dion!
You don't know me but I know you, we are BMC members...Just want to thank you for your awesome testimony that arrived on my PC via BMC Father's group (Colin is member)
We are praying for you and I want to encourage you with a few thoughts...
Hubby and I are both doctors, and when hubby needed second cervical spine op, devil was very active night before op ( we know all the things that can happen...) and I spent all night fighting according to 2 Cor 10:5.We arrived in ward on morning of op at nurses hand over, and God had them sing the Lord's Prayer(Neither Colin or I had EVER heard that in a hospital before) and peace and confidence reigned...and my prayer for you is that you will stand strong and take captive every thought that comes to your head tomorrow that is contrary to God's Will ( God wants Courtney well and He has healed her...Is 53:5)
I pray that you will continue to have faith in God because without that you cannot please Him ,and that you will continue to live by faith and not by sight. To this end, that you will continue to praise God, not so that the shackles will fall off, but just because He is God !
I pray that you will continue to confess Courtney's health and not let a negative thought take root by speaking it!
There is so much more, but just want to tell you: ALL WILL BE WELL!!!!