Will you consider joining us in fasting tomorrow?

For the past 4 years Megie and I have fasted every Friday. You can read about that journey here.
We would like to invite you to join us in our fast tomorrow.
This simple spiritual discipline has had immeasurable benefits for our prayer lives. It is not a big deal! Here's what we do:
- We choose not to eat any food until dinner on Friday evening. Basically we skip our meals, or any form of food, until dinner on Friday evening. We do take liquids (juice, water, coffee, tea etc. So you can see we're not too strict!)
- Whenever we feel hungry we remember to pray. It's amazing how often one thinks of food when you are fasting! So, I get a lot of 'little' prayers in during the day.
- Use the time and food you would have used for eating for something else. I normally take the time I would have used to eat lunch and breakfast and set it aside for reading the scriptures and engaging in specific prayers for particular people and causes. Our prayers have focussed on children who are sick and their families for the past four years. You might even consider taking the food you would have eaten at lunch time and sharing it with someone who is hungry?
Would you consider joining us in prayer and fasting tomorrow? Only do this if you are not suffering from any medical condition! I would also ask you to use some of your time in prayer tomorrow praying for our daughter Courtney who will go for cancer surgery next week Thursday (23 September).
If you do choose to fast and have anything to share from your experience please would you share your experiences and thoughts with us here?
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