It's NOT a defection - World Cup Soccer 2010 support on the day! How do you decide!?

I've had this conversation with many of my friends, "so who will you be supporting in today's match!?" Of course there must be some grace in allowing one to support a team other than your OWN team for other matches. Am I right? Perhaps it is no so much that you want your 'daily team' to win their fixture as much as you may not want them to loose! Ha ha! I'll support Bafana Bafana to the end (although I do have a penchant towards teams from the Southern Hemisphere, and then within the Southern Hemisphere for teams from Latin America (and of course Africa!))
Well, today I'll be supporting Brazil as they face up against North Korea. The reason is simple - I have good friends in Brazil (among them is @Olgalvaro Bastos).
So, how do you work out which team you will support on the day (if your own team is not playing)? I'd love to hear some intricate, or not so intricate, theories of support! In conclusion let me say Viva the Vuvuzela! God bless South Africa, Africa and her football teams! And may Cape Town's security guards return to their jobs of keeping people safe during the world cup!
Oh, and if you're looking for actual results, fixtures, and some useful information on the soccer teams, the groups and other world cup news please see this post.
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