Transform your work life is for sale at Christian Republic!

Copies of 'Transform your work life: Turn your ordinary day into an extraordinary calling' are now available online at www.christianrepublic.co.za
Order you copy today and discover how you can transform your ordinary day into an extraordinary calling!
Once you've ordered your copy of 'Transform your work life' please visit our facebook page and share your testimony of how God is using you in your work life.
Your story could encourage others to discover the joy and blessing of being used by God in the 9-5 window!
Also feel free to share any requests for prayer or help, or interact with the authors.
God bless! Dion
Reader Comments (2)
Hi Dion,
I tried to find your new book @ the kindle Amazon section to no avail.
Will this become a kindle book in the future?
By the way... what do you recommend as a the better RSS app for iphone/itouch?
I am thinking the best way to organize my feeds is at Google reader and then find a great app to help me. My greatest frustration is that I cannot make a comment easily with any apps I have tried so far?
God's Grace,
Hi David,
Thanks for the note friend! First, thanks so much for your interest in 'Transform your work life'. Struik have not yet got it in digital format. As soon as that happens I'll let you know! I sent an email to the great folks who've been handling the product to ask if there is any update on the digital edition.
With regards to RSS readers, I have not really found anything I like on the iPhone - I tend to use google reader on the iPhone and the Mail App's RSS reader on my Mac.
Be richly blessed,