How do you balance caring for your family and the expectations of work life?

I posted this comment and prayer request under the prayer request and discussion section of my blog:
Balancing your work life and your family life is always something of a challenge. Megan and I have been blessed with two wonderful children. Our son was born three months premature and has had some health problems since birth. This afternoon he will go into hospital to receive treatment for pneumonia. Please do spare a prayer for him! I am reminded to pray for all parents who struggle to balance their work responsibilities and their family life.
Each Friday Megan and I fast and pray for parents and Children. You can read more about this on my blog, simply search for 'fast' it should bring up a few posts on this matter.
How do you cope with the balance between caring for your family and managing the demands and expectations of your work life?
We would sincerely appreciate your prayers! How do you balance caring for your family and the expectations of work life? I am fortunate enough to work for a person who is compassionate, allowing me some flexibility. I know that there are many who do not have this luxury!
Reader Comments (1)
Thank you for all of your prayers and the many who have contacted Megan and I directly! We truly appreciate all of the care!
The great news is that little Liam has turned the recovery corner! He was released from hospital last night as his oxygen saturation was up near 95% (meaning that he could breath properly) and so the doctor was happy for him to come home. He has been home all of today and did not have a fever at all.
Great news! We give thanks to God!