Maximizing your work life - blessing in the 9 - 5 window.

I’m sure that you may have heard about the ‘least reached’ portion of the world called the 10/40 window? This is a geographical region where there are no Christians, or very few Christians. For many years churches and Christian ministries have focussed their energy and attention on getting missionaries into those areas to spread the Gospel of Christ.

Of course there are many reasons for this. Some people have come to believe that Christianity is something that belongs to a particular building (your church) or a particular time (Sunday morning). However, what do you think Jesus meant when he prayed ‘…let your Kingdom come, let your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven’ (Matthew 6:10)? Of course Jesus wasn’t just praying that God’s Kingdom would be established in a particular place, or at particular times! Jesus longs to be Lord of both the Church and the Marketplace!
So, the question is, who takes responsibility for the establishment of God’s Kingdom where you spend most of your day? Who is God calling to transform your work place to reflect the values of His Kingdom?
Part of the answer can be found in the following verse: ‘go and make disciples of all nations…’ (Matthew 28:20). Being a disciple of Jesus means that one is disciplined in the ways of Jesus. Believing in Jesus as saviour is only the beginning (sure it is the most important start that any person could ever make, however it is just the beginning of what God longs for!) You know I read this verse for many years and never realised that Jesus commands his disciples, and also commands you and me, to go and make disciples of all nations.
I was a Pastor of various Churches for almost 17 years. As I think back on the teaching, preaching, and courses that I ran in those churches I came to realise that we spent quite a lot of time trying to help people to become disciples of Jesus. However, we spent very little time trying to disciple those elements that make up a nation!
Have you ever considered that God may be calling you to be a minister in the marketplace? It may just be that God has placed you in the office where you work, among the people that you encounter (co-workers, clients etc.) in order to disciple them, and the systems within which you work, in order to establish His Kingdom on that little bit of earth!
If you were to think about the people and things that you face regularly during your work week, what would God want to change? Perhaps there is a particular policy in your company that is unethical. Maybe there is some relationship between your boss and another co-worker that does not reflect Christ’s love. Maybe there are some decisions that are being made that are unlawful, or hurtful, to your community. I think God may be calling you to take responsibility for establishing His Kingdom in that place!

Eleanor took responsibility for her work life and her work place, and through her God was able to reach into and transform one of the least reached places on earth, the 9 to 5 window! Where is God calling you to take responsibility?
Please see my new book 'Transform your work life: Turn your ordinary day into an extraordinary calling' for more information, practical ideas, and inspiring stories, of how people have found blessing - and become a greater blessing, during their work life.
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