Final tips, advice, and preparation for the Cape Argus cycle tour

If, like me, you're a cyclist with more passion than fitness, then every tip for the Cape Argus 110km cycle tour will be welcome. I found these great tips on the 'Wanna-B-Team' blog.
I've been eating carefully - lots of carbs, very little fat, and lots of liquids. After riding the Mountain Bike Argus this Sunday I am feeling fantastic! My legs were not sore today (perhaps that's because I had trained for the 55km but only got to finish 36km before the race was cut short due to heat).
Anyway, I would love to hear any tips and advice you follow, or would like to share, for this weekend's road race!
Don’t train like crazy in the last few days leading up to the Cape Argus Pick ‘n Pay Cycle Tour. A total of four hours of easy cycling during the final week, with a last light training session the day before and a light, carbo-loaded breakfast two hours before starting time, is the best thing to do.
Here is a list of last-minute do's and don’ts for cyclists ahead of the Cape Argus Pick ‘n Pay Cycle Tour:
What you shouldn't do
- Leave it to the last minute to do anything major on your bike - cycle shops are simply not going to have capacity for anything tricky. If you've trained with it, you're going to have to ride with it.
- Try and fix the back/knee/ankle problem that had been troubling you - it's too late to make any significant improvement.
- Train like crazy. Too many extra kilometres and hours will have the opposite effect of what you're hoping for: you may be fitter, but you'll also be depleted on race day.
- Climb Chapman's Peak for the first time, at speed - if you're going to climb it for the first time this week, do it very slowly - or in a car. In fact, if you haven't climbed it before, rather wait until the day unless you are a very strong cyclist.
- Eat nothing but carbohydrates between now and the ride.
- Get drunk the night before the tour.
- Leave picking up your race number to the last minute - particularly if you live in Cape Town.
- Buy new equipment/clothing this week and use it on the ride - only ride in tried-and-tested clothes on a tried-and-tested bike.
- Ride for about four hours this week – all easy rides, with just a small amount of sprinting.
- Do your last ride on Saturday - an easy ride (no more than one hour) - using the same kit you will ride with on Sunday.
- Prepare yourself mentally for the ride - know that you will relax and enjoy it.
- Check your splits on the Cape Argus Pick ‘n Pay Cycle Tour website - it will give you a good idea of where you have to be and when, in order to achieve your target time. Be realistic.
- Pick your race number up in good time.
- Try and have an early night on Friday - you will sleep better than you will on Saturday.
- Make sure you have adequate amounts of your favourite carbohydrate drink - put it in the fridge or the freezer the night before.
- Decide what you will take to eat on the ride, and pack it into easy-to-access bags.
- Include suncream sachets
- Pin your race number on and lay out your cycling clothes for easy access in the early morning.
- Make sure that your start and finish cards and your transponder are with your clothes.
- Put your helmet, gloves and sunglasses out at the same time.
- Check your bike - including pumps, spare tubes and puncture repair kits.
- Don't go to bed too early - you won't sleep.
- Make sure you know your starting time and when you need to be in your shute.
- If you are starting late, make sure you know which roads are going to be closed and when, so that you can get to the start on time.
- Programme the medical emergency number into your cellphone: 021 434 1199.
- Eat breakfast about two hours before your start. Eat mainly carbohydrates, and keep it light.
- Apply sunblock just before you leave.
- Take something to eat and drink while waiting to start - again, carbohydrates in both the food and the drink.
- Stretch while you wait to start and try to sit down until you have to go into the main starting shute.
- Keep to the left if you are nervous
- Look in front of you at all times
- Drink enough water, but don't overhydrate
- Enjoy the ride!
- If you need to bail out, move to the side of the road and wait for the sweep vehicle, or stop at any of the official bail-out points. They are the Old Boyes Drive link to Main Road, Dido Valley Road in Simon's Town, immediately before the Naval Gunnery School, refreshment station #9 at the foot of Red Hill, refreshment station #12 at the foot of Chapman's Peak, and the first traffic circle in Hout Bay.
- At the finish, don't come to a dead stop. You'll cause a pile-up.

What race time are you aiming for this year? Last year in the Cape of Storms Argus tour I rode a 4h58min! It was a HECTIC ride in the wind. I hope to do a sub 4 hour this year - it will be a great celebration if it does happen!
I was sent this link to the Garmin site that allows you to see the splits and activity for a sub 4 hour Argus ride.
I joked with my friends and said I would follow the route but just double the times - I'm heading for a sub 8 hour Argus! Don't joke, my wonderful wife once rode 7h30mins! She hasn't ridden the Argus since...
Be blessed as you prepare for the ride. It's going to be a fun one - at least the weather has cooled down a bit in Cape Town today.
Reader Comments (2)
In 2011 I had a great Argus - I was pleased to complete the 110km in under 3.30. This year (2012) I am planning a slower, more relaxed, ride.
I have added a few more tips to my list. You can read my updated Argus tips list here:
Well, in 2012 I rode the 110km in just over 3h20. This year I PROMISE I will be doing a slow and gentler ride... There are two reasons for that: first, I will be riding with my wonderful wife Megan. Her last Argus was a marathon 7h30. I hope she can manage 5 hours or so this year. Second, I will be riding the Argus on my Brompton M3L folding bicycle. It is a 3 speed so not a lot of gears to play with! It has 16" wheels and folds into a tiny package, yet it rides like a regular sized bike!
You can trace my escapades at