The purpose of my life in one single sentence...

This trip to Malaysia, Singapore and Hong Kong has been fantastic! It has been incredible to see what Christians i these countries are doing in order to see God's Kingdom of grace, mercy, justice and love established!
I have not been sleeping all that well - this too has been a great blessing. I have had a lot more time to pray, read the scriptures, and just be silent on my own.
Today I visited the investment firm of a friend - they are one of the more prominent investment firms in Hong Kong with a massive portfolio! I have heard of their commitment to the redistribution of wealth and the effective transformation of society through recapturing economic systems so that they can more adequately reflect God's desire that no person should have to much while any person has too little.
They employ a host of very bright and hard working people for their firm (not all of them are Christians, but they do have to understand the principles on which the firm operates). It was a joy to spend some time with them discussing how Christians can use their ability, influence, and resources under God's guidance to bring about transformation. In one particular project that I heard of this week a Christian person raised funding to build a 10km retaining wall in one of the Asian nations that would save numerous villages from mud slides caused by poor management of forestry resources (so deforestation that leads to soil erosion). Not only did they create jobs for the community, but they exercised stewardship of the earth.
This is an encouraging way of honouring God through your worklife! This is Kingdom Living, it is a Gospel lifestyle!
As I walked into their office building on Kowloon Island in Hong Kong this picture was the first sight a saw - the verse is:
He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. (Micah 6:8).
This is my 'life verse'. In short, if you were to ask me to sum up the intention of my life in one sentence I would have to say that God has created me to act justly, to love mercy and to walk in humility under God's loving grace.
I am quite encouraged!
Well, tomorrow is our last day of meetings in Hong Kong before we depart back to South Africa. I am looking forwards to a fruitful day of interaction. However, I am ready to get home to my wonderful wife and children. I am truly blessed and thankful!
Reader Comments (2)
very good Dion. Blessings for your trip back. Looking forward to John Piper coming out in October to the Luasanne conference as well, is he going to be a keynote speaker as well or just a visitor.?
Hi Simon,
Indeed, John Piper will be in South Africa for Lausanne in October.
I can't divulge specific program information. I can say however that he will be speaking at some Churches etc. around the time he is here (I have heard that they are arranging for some of the speakers to engage with Churches and communities outside of the official conference so as to make good use of their time).
Blessings my friend!