
I received notification this morning that my VISA for Lebanon was denied.... Mmmmm.... It is quite sad! This particular Lausanne meeting is doing such crticial work before the 3rd Lausanne Congress that will be meeting in Cape Town in October.
At least my case study and paper were prepared in advance and emailed to all the participants.
There are 4 of us that were denied entry. We have lodged further documents and an appeal. But there is little hope that I will be able to fly on Friday.
Has anybody ever had a similar problem? Is there anything that I could do?
At the end of they day I did everything from my side that I possibly could. So I have a sense of peace that if I needed to be there it would have worked out, but if it does not work out then so be it!
Reader Comments (2)
were you ever able to get a vias for lebanon as im battling myself to get a visa?
Hi Graham,
I'm afraid that I never did get my Visa... In fact I only ever received a one sentence reply to say that I would not be allowed to enter Lebanon.
I hope yours gets sorted out!