Ancient laws, contemporary controversies

My friend Prof Cheryl Anderson, who I first met at Garrett Evangelical Seminary in beautiful Evanston Illinois - right on the Northwestern University Campus, in 2005, has just published a fantastic book entitled 'Ancient laws, contemporary controversies: The need for inclusive Biblical interpretation.' (Oxford University Press, 2009).
Cheryl is a Professor of Old Testament who has done some wonderful work on contextual hermeneutics. Her approach to reading the Bible responsibly is well worth studying!
Cheryl, thanks for sending me a copy of the book! It looks fantastic! I can't wait to read it! It will help me to gain a better understanding on how we treat the text with integrity when there are so many elements of it that we no longer accept as morally or theologically binding (e.g., slavery, incest, polygamy etc., are no longer deemed acceptable because of shifts in culture. We can't simply dismiss them without having some clear reasoning for passing over these elements while holding on to others)! Anyone who is serious about the Bible, as I am, should read this book!
Here's the link to the book if anyone reading this blog would like to buy a copy.
Here's a description of Cheryl's project:
The Ten Commandments condone slavery, and Deuteronomy 22 deems the rape of an unmarried woman to injure her father rather than the woman herself. While many Christians ignore most Old Testament laws as obsolete or irrelevant-with others picking and choosing among them in support of specific political and social agendas-it remains a basic tenet of Christian doctrine that the faith is contained in both the Old and the New Testament. If the law is ignored, an important aspect of the faith tradition is denied.
In Ancient Laws and Contemporary Controversies, Cheryl B. Anderson tackles this problem head on, attempting to answer the question whether the laws of the Old Testament are authoritative for Christians today. The issue is crucial: some Christians actually believe that the New Testament abolishes the law, or that the Protestant reformers Luther, Calvin, and Wesley rejected the law. Acknowledging the deeply problematic nature of some Old Testament law (especially as it applies to women, the poor, and homosexuals), Anderson finds that contemporary controversies are the result of such groups now expressing their own realities and faith perspectives.
Anderson suggests that we approach biblical law in much the same way that we approach the U.S. Constitution. While the nation's founding fathers-all privileged white men-did not have the poor, women, or people of color in mind when they referred in its preamble to "We the people." Subsequently, the Constitution has evolved through amendment and interpretation to include those who were initially excluded. Although it is impossible to amend the biblical texts themselves, the way in which they are interpreted can-and should-change. With previous scholarship grounded in the Old Testament as well as critical, legal, and feminist theory, Anderson is uniquely qualified to apply insights from contemporary law to the interpretive history of biblical law, and to draw out their implications for issues of gender, class, and race/ethnicity. In so doing, she lays the groundwork for an inclusive mode of biblical interpretation.
Reader Comments (1)
The Bible mentioning slavery as a historical occurrence does not equate condoning it. How does she categorically say the Bible condones slavery? Nations were punished by God for enslaving his people; Paul gives guidance on how to cope within a Roman context of history; it's clear throughout Scripture that slavery is not a good thing (e.g. Joseph being sold into slavery is textually described as ethically wrong by his brothers with consequences). Thanks for the insight.