A Russian tale - don't get left behind! Social Networking, New Media and Mobile

In Russia, just after the 1917 communist revolution, Russia was quite a progressive country! The new Russian leadership had a good idea of how they wished to restructure society for the good of the people and they were intent on using new technologies of the time to do it.
So, they invested in rolling out the infrastructure for a new technology at the time - except they got it all wrong! While the rest of the world was pumping money into rolling out telephone systems (exchanges, cables and handsets), Russia chose to invest in loudspeakers... That's right! They laid cables, planted telephone poles, and fitted loudspeakers to them!
Of course their intention was to motivate the people with patriotic songs, and inspire them with communist propaganda... The one point they missed is that people are far more likely to get behind you if they feel involved. If your opinion gets validated, your idea gets heard and incorporated, then you'll support the system. Nobody likes being 'talked at', much less so through a loudspeaker.
I have come to realise that this is how most companies, and of course many ministries, use the social networking technologies today! In fact you can see what they're going to use it for when their strategy includes the words 'social media' - they are wanting to use social to broadcast their old media (whether it be messages, ideas, sermons, adverts whatever)!
Social networking works because people are more important than technology! My userbase on facebook and twitter swells when I interact with my friends. They tweet and retweet my ideas when I tweet and retweet theirs. When I am interested in them and their ideas I get @ replies and their followers hear about me and my stuff and I meet new people and connect with them...
I'd love to hear what you think about the thoughts I share in this little video about 'The Russian Tale'.
I have a sense that one of the areas in which technology is moving is the mobile space! And in particular accessing the internet through mobile devices. Think about these statements and see if you agree with me:
- The number of active internet users is increasing rapidly (in fact I believe that internet usage has increased from 35% to 83% among 19-54 year olds worldwide between 2006-2009).
- Most internet users spend the majority of their time on social networking platforms (facebook, myspace, linkedin and a host of others).
- For most people under the age of 35 their primary means of going onto the internet is via a mobile device (phone, iPod etc.)
This must change the way we engage and how we do business and share messages! Take a look at this graph below - look at what OS versions dominate the web (Symbian is huge in Africa!)
I've just finished reading 'The Starfish and the Spider' which gave some fascinating insights into the social dynamics of online communities. Last night I started reading 'Open leadership: How social technology can transform the way you lead' (written by Charlene Li) - it is incredibly insightful!
Reader Comments (5)
Hi there,
I plead ignorance here is iOS the iphone & Ipod operating system?
Hope you well,
Hi D,
Indeed, iOS is iPhone, iPad and iPod touch.
Amazing how big Symbian is in Africa (most Nokia and older Samsungs). I think that Android and Blackberry will soon take over in developing markets - they are both super operating systems on affordable handsets. I have been amazed to see how widely the Blackberry Curve has spread in SA. I think the 'free' Internet is a huge draw.
Hey Dion.
Great book, actually just finished the starfish and the spider.
The best example I know of "New Media" is invisible children, check them out here http://www.invisiblechildren.com/homepage
Perfect example! Thanks Shane.
I'm 'Open leadership...' (also mentioned in this post).
Reminds me a lot of how the US is responding to wikileaks!
It is impossible to keep secrets in the Internet age! We should rather learn how to interact with people who misunderstand the truth!
Vodacom CEO, Pieter Uys is a super example of a great new media person. He has a twitter account @uyspj and personally responds to customer problems, brand questions, and vodacom company matters. I met him on the Wines2Whales cycle race and discovered why his company is doing so well! Online works because of offline care and connection!
Sorry, that should read "I'm reading 'Open leadership..."
My fingers are too slow for my iPad ;-)