This video will blow your mind!

I agree with Andrew that this was the best video that was shown at the Third Lausanne Congress on World Evangelization in Cape Town.
Indeed, there were some exceptionally well produced, informative and interesting videos (like the superb overview of Christian History), but this video not only had high production value, it had a critical message!
Here's Andrew's comment.
This is an amazing video that I am re-posting here with the actual video content because no one really noticed it the first time.
The video is called TODAY. Its a creative animation that shows how kids are playing a vital role in God's plan for the world. We saw the preview at Lausanne World Congress in Cape Town and it blew us away. I was hoping they would offer it to everyone FREE and the good people at Global Children's Forum have done just that. Download the full version here. Its absolutely free and no copyright. Just enjoy it and then play it and use it and show it and project it. Knock yourself out!!!
Reader Comments (1)
As this video rightly points out there are millions of children around the world who don't have access to the basics of human existence - shelter, food, physical security, adequate sanitation, education and the prospect of employment when they grow up. Many millions of these people can also expect to have remarkably short lifespans. I contribute to a charity called Water Aid, and yesterday I received some material from them pointing out that every day 4000 children die from diarrhoea alone. All this could be prevented if people had access to basic sanitation.
There are many organisations, like WaterAid, who do their best to reduce the effects of poverty. Many of these organisations are religious organisations and I applaud that. Have evangelicals decided where evangelisation fits on the "hierarchy of needs"? What I mean by that is: does the evangelical movement have a policy that if it encounters people who are very poor that their money and efforts are better spent supplying food/shelter/sanitation as opposed to evangelical activities? Is being "saved" better than, or a substitute for food/shelter/education/sanitation?
PS I was reading the UNDP's latest report and Human Development Index ratings. South Africa's HDI as actually declined since 1990 and is rated 110 in the world. A damning indictment on the ANC government, I would say. I mean what have they actually been doing for the last 15 years?