What the internet was like in 1993

In light of my earlier post on how the internet has changed since I first discovered it in the early 1990's I cam across this great image that brought back wonderful memories!
Indeed, this was what the internet looked like in 1993 when I was at Rhodes University. I would spend hours in the computer lab using TELNET and SLIP clients to 'browse' the web. ELM was used for email. I also had a 9600 baud modem that I used to use to dial into the modem rack at the university to get my 'snupm' email! If I remember I had a Oliveti 386 SX computer with a 160MB hard drive and 4 MB of Ram. I did most of my work in MS Dos since it was quick and nasty. But I also had a copy of Windows 3.0 on there and later installed Red Hat Linux 1. Of course it didn't realy matter what OS was on the machine since most of what I did was via a TELNET client on dialup... I had a little 'trick' (shall we say) to step the telphone company from metering my dialup calls ;-)
Steve Hayes was one of my first 'internet' connections in the Theology / Christian world. Of course I had a few other friends - at that stage mainly hackers, from across the world, that I would connect with.
Yup, good old Archie to find files, Gopher for search and Mosaic and Netscape 1 for browsing!
Was anyone else using the internet on or before 1993? I'd love to hear your stories!
Reader Comments (1)
They were using the usenet then; the web was still in its infancy in 1993. The usenet is still highly prominent, although dedicated usership has declined. Gopher is even more unknown today, although I still visit on a regular basis. Gopher, in my opinion, would be a far better portal for news than RSS feeds. Gopherites like me still wait for a revival, but it is getting more doubtful it will ever come.