Do you have a soundtrack to your life?

This morning as I was driving through to Media Village to teach I was listening to John Mayer's new album "Battle Studies" and thinking how much the song "I'm in the war of my life" reminds me of events of the last two months with Courtney's diagnosis, surgery and recovery.
I remember Paulo Nutini's "These streets" had a similar emotional effect when Liam was born and I was driving through to the Pretoria East hospital to see him in the neonatal ICU for three months. Whenever I hear that song the emotion floods back.
When Megan and got married (17 years ago) we had a tape of Van Morrison in the car - the song "Brown eyed girl" was the soundtrack for our honeymoon in the Drakensberg. Such special memories!
A few years ago I was blessed to have a chance to visit Sydney Australia for the Hillsong conference - one of the highlights of my life! That "Hillsong United" album is also so special to me! It can draw me closer to God in just a few bars.
Depeche Mode, Bauhaus, the Clash, the Jam, the Specials, the Sex Pistols... These were the bands of my youth - I still have a few MP3's from these bands on my iPod.
So, I wanted to ask what some of the bands and songs are that have formed the 'Soundtrack to your life'? Leave a comment, share some memories. I'd love to hear about you!
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