Stretching my legs in preparation for the Argus Cycle tour

This morning I woke up and hit the road LLLOOOONGGG before the sun rose! At a few minutes to 5am (at around 4.50am) I got onto my road bike for a long ride! It ended up at 83km's with a lot of climbing (Hellshoogte, Klapmuts and then back up to Somerset West). It was awesome. Although I can't walk all that well this evening! Ha ha!
Seriously though, as I approach 40 I am finding myself feeling fitter than I have been in more than 20 years. My weight is at a level that I last weighed when I was in my 20's. Also, the cycling helps to keep my stress under check. As I ride I find that the dendrites fire at double speed - not only do I think more clearly, but I often find that the added energy allows me to get more done during the day. I am also particularly grateful that it has been exceptional therapy to bring back the strength in my leg after a serious motorcycle accident in early 2008. So, all in all it is a good thing.
Cycling can be time consuming. So, as a result I make the sacrifice of leaving long before my family are up and about so that I can get back home without 'stealing' family time.
This morning's ride took around 3 hours (not a great time for the distance, but great for me). At this pace I should be able to do the Argus in about 3 1/2 hours (if the weather is good!) I managed to get out and be back by 8.30 so that I was ready to help Megie get the kids ready for Church.
Anyway, I'm not sure why anyone would be interested, but just in case you are, here's a picture of the ride route (from Somerset West to Klapmuts, then up Hellshoogte and back to Somerset West). You can also view it in Google Earth here. This is a standard KML file. If it doesn't open google earth automatically when you download it simply right click on the file, save it and then open it from your hard drive.
What do you do for fun? I know that we're not all 'wired' for activity! Perhaps it is reading, or maybe cooking? I'd love to hear what helps you relax and enjoy life!
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