Love and marriage!

1994 was a very important year for South Africans - it was the year in which we voted to end apartheid and establish a free and fair multiparty democracy.
I remember 1994 for another very special reason though! On the 29th of January 1994 Megan and I were married in the Trinity Methodist Church in Sunward Park. What a wonderful day that was! I was so in love with Megan! Man, oh man! She is so beautiful, and she has such a bubbly personality and so much energy and love. I'm pleased to say that none of those qualities have disappeared in the last 16 years. Rather, they have matched by many other wonderful virtues. Megan and I were just 21 years of age (well, I was 22 by two weeks) when we got married! In truth we have grown up together. We've been through so many joys together (the birth of our children, our first home, our first camping trip, holidays, graduations... the list goes on and on!) And, we've shared in a fair share of struggle and sorrow (we've been very poor, and quite rich - each one has its own challenges! As a minister, in the early days, there were many times we went without. We survived our little Liam's traumatic entry into life, and the joy of journeying with him ever since. Megan has helped me to survive motorcycle accidents, changes in career - from minister, to academic, to marketplace minister. She has celebrated my achievements, and I have celebrated hers. She has survived cancer and a few other health concerns). All of this has bonded our lives together.I can truly say that I have been blessed! Megan remains patient, attentive and caring. She is extremely capable in her work. A graduate in Human Resource management, a formidable business woman, a mother and a wife. She loves Christ - and I am thankful that she loves me.Please join us in thanking God for the 16 years of marriage we have shared, and for the many blessed years that lie ahead.
Reader Comments (2)
Congratulations! May God grant you many years!
Well Done Megan - you deserve a medal. Just kidding my captain. Congrats to you both. Keep leading the way.
Delme and Kim