I remembered my father, Donald Ian Forster

Today is father's day. I took some time early this morning to remember my late dad. This is the second father's day since his death on the 31st of December 2009. This morning I thought a bit about how it feels to live without a father. I do miss having the security of knowing that there is someone that you can turn to for advice, understanding and a helping hand. Of course it was sad to see my dad struggle after his strokes. It was particularly sad to see him so frustrated with his arm and leg that were paralyzed as a result of the injury to his brain. I remember a time when he was a bodybuilder, strong and healthy! He was probably a year or two older than I am now.
Time sure passes quickly.
Well, I thank God that I have a wonderful 'father in law', Brian. I love Megan's dad like my own father. He is such a good friend, a wise counselor and a source of constant inspiration. I have many other 'father figures' in my life as well - I'm truly fortunate. I see my friend Graham Power as a father. He teaches me things about myself and the world that cannot be found in books... Well not with the kind of practical knowledge that I get from him.
This week I'll be meeting another one of my 'father figures' - Prof Neville Richardson. He became such a close friend and mentor in the three years we overlapped at John Wesley College while I served as Dean at John Wesley College. Neville is also a mentor. He is one of the most gentle men I know. He is humble in spite of his great learning and depth of knowledge. He is kind, affirming and patient. I saw him suffer a great deal while he was ill, and I was thankful to love him and know his fatherly love.
So, as I prayed this morning I thanked God for all of these wonderful men, and for the imprint that each of them has left on me, and on the world around them (long before I was born!) I asked God to help me to grow to be the kind of man that would look out for the interests of others above my own (Phil 2:5) since this is a quality that each of these men has in common - certainly in relation to me. I also asked God to help me to be a good father to my children, Courtney and Liam.
So, I thank God for fathers today. If your dad is alive, appreciate him!
Reader Comments (2)
Neville Richardson was at school and university with me -- what is he doing now?
Hi Steve,
Thanks for the comment.
Neville is back in Pietermaritzburg again. After our denomination moved the seminary from Pretoria to PMB Neville moved with it to manage the transition. He should be retiring (this year I think)? But, it is likely that he will remain on staff (part time at least).
I will be seeing him here in Stellenbosch this week. Are you coming for the joint conferences?