A family cycle in Jonkershoek, Stellenbosch

I know that Megie, Courts and Liam love me! They show it in so many ways. But, today they surpassed themselves by coming along with me for a cycle in the Jonkershoek nature reserve in Stellenbosch. They did 5km's with me (Megie on her bike (seen on the right in this picture... doesn't she look sporting in her blue and red riding gear!?), Courts on hers, and Liam in the infant chair on the back of my bike). While they were having some hot chocolate I went out again and did another 15 kms - it was wonderful! Also in this photo you'll see Malan (the owner of Maverick Cycles in Somerset West and his family and a friend).
Courts had an absolute ball! Megie enjoyed the exercise, and Liam... Well, he just wanted to drink water from my water bottle!
Well, thanks to my wonderful family! And, happy father's day to all the dads that read my blog! May you be loved as lavishly as my family love me!
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