The blessing of family!

Today we came for a bite of lunch just up the road from our home, at 'Nice' on the Stellenbosch road. It is cold and wet outside, but the fireplace in here is wonderful and warm!
Yesterday was an amzing day as well. It rained cats and dogs for most of the day. When there was a gap in the clouds (at about 2pm) I decided to go for a ride on my mountain bike. I rode up Silverboom Kloof road to the top of the Heldeberg, at the top I found an incredible dirt trail and rode around on the Helderberg Mountain for about 2 hours (in the POURING rain!!!) it was slippery, muddy, and just incredible! Man, I love where we live! When I got home my lungs were burning, my legs were numb and all the stress of the last week was gone!
This morning I went with my friend Graham Power to choose a mountain bike for himself. He has a larger budget than I do, so it was great to help him buy the bike I would love to own! I can't wait for him to get his bike - he has a great farm in the Karoo where we can go ride, and he is also well connected with a number of the wine farmers in our area, so we should be able to ride on some of the farms that aren't normally open to mountain bikes.
Well, the long weekend is almost over! The next month is incredibly pressed (I'll be in JHB a few times, back to Hong Kong and Mainland China, and then to Korea as well). So, I am enjoying this free time! It allows my spirit to catch up with my body and mind!
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