What a remarkable day! The Unashamedly Ethical press event 15 April 2009

Today was one of the most incredible days in my life thus far! I never dreamed that I would have any input or influence in any system larger than my local congregation or community. But, this morning I boarded a plane with some members of the Unashamedly Ethical Exco to participate in a press event at the Tshwane Events Centre, just two hours before a crucial IEC (Independent Electoral Commission) meeting in Pretoria.
The purpose of this event was to call together political leaders from a number of major political parties to get them to offer their support and cooperation for our drive for ethics and values in South Africa! Among those in attendance were Mr Lekota from COPE, Rev Meshoe from the ACDP, Mr Moodey from the DA, and Dr Conradie from the FF+. Steve Johnstone, who is the head of the Unashamedly Ethical campaign, did a sterling job, together with Adv. Keith Matthee (SC) in bringing together the consensus among the parties (including the IFP and the UDM who were unable to attend the meeting, but sent their support and apologies). You can read the SAPA news story on this event here.
The outcome of this meeting was a groundbreaking statement that affirmed among other things (and I paraphrase):
1. The establishment of a neutral fund to fund costs in order to investigate the legality of the National Prosecuting Authority's discontinuance of the charges against Mr Jacob Zuma and Thint.
2. A call on the opposition parties to work together in order to ensure that South Africa develops a more healthy multi-party democracy. It is not healthy that any one party should have the means to amend the constitution of South Africa on its own. All such amendments should be done through multiparty agreement with some measure of balance in the political realm. After all, and this is my own opinion, a constitutional democracy is much better than a parliamentary democracy.
3. To embark on an educational campaign to help South Africans to understand the virtues of a multi party constitutional democracy and independent institutions in relation to chapter 9 of the constitution.
4. To challenge all South Africans, from all spheres of society (religious, educational, business, political etc.) to values, ethics and clean living.
I felt quite blessed to see this event taking place. Naturally I realise that actions such as these are risky in any nation, but I also realise that the cost of not taking a stand for ethics, justice and morals in our miracle nation are equally high. At moments when I felt fearful I simply thought of my children, and the children they shall have one day. I also remembered my parents and their parents who left Zimbabwe some years ago when the rule of law collapsed in that beautiful nation, and I prayed that God will give me, and all other South Africans the courage and wisdom to see what needs to be done in order to remain in this wonderful nation, taking up our Christian and civil responsibilities to see that ethical and moral leaders represent our needs and concerns in the governance of the land.
I ask you please to join with me, and many thousands of other Christians, in praying about how you shall cast your precious vote! This is a freedom that was won for us by the sacrifices of many who were persecuted and died in the decades gone by. I would encourage each of us to pray that those who would seek to cover up evil and hide truth would turn from their ways. I shall be engaging in a partial fast for the next 7 days as we prepare for the elections on the 22nd of April. I am trusting for God to guide and bless the people of South Africa as we go to the polls.
At the end of the day this is not about one single party, in fact it is not about party politics. For me it is about obedience to Christ, the Lord, who has a wonderful plan for South Africa and wants you and I to make the costly stand to see it come to pass.
Please consider standing with me for Ethics and Values by visiting the Unashamedly Ethical website and signing a pledge form. You can find these on
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