The Christian faith and politics - let's get real!

I have not been able to blog for the last few days... In part that is because of the energy and attention required for the launch of our new campaign called Unashamedly Ethical which took place last night.
It even made the SABC news this morning because of the comments made by two of the panelists on the evening, Dr Mangosuthu Buthelezi and Rev Mvume Dandala (here's picture of the panelists with these two gentlement seated on the couch in the centre).
A lot of work went into preparing for the event, and I am pleased to say that it went off mostly as we had anticipated! We have had some good feedback (and of course also some bad feedback), but that is par for the course.
I have come to realise that there are two powerful forces operable in South African society. The first is what one could call 'stuckness', this is the apathy and inertia that has set in because of decades of abuse and struggle. We are so accustomed to unethical behaviour that we no longer rise to fight it! We are not incensed by theft, immorality, and blatant discrimination. The second force is cynicism. Many South Africans have become so cynical that they feel there is no point in making a stand against corruption and abuse in society (whether that be in business, among politicians, or even in religious organisations). We are so jaded that we have given up standing for what is right.
Well, I want to venture that South Africa deserves better than what we have! And, the great news is that we can make that difference if enough of us have the courage and the conviction to stand together!
I am not talking about voting for any particular political party, or even about adhering to one particular faith perspective. However, what I am talking about is sharing the conviction that all South Africans deserve to have access to the blessing that this land has to offer. We have the right to celebrate our diversity, and the right to seek to find blessing and fulfillment together. Our nation is wealthy enough to feed the hungry, to care for the sick, and to educate the young. Surely we are determined enough to take a sacrificial stand for a better tomorrow!?
For me, as a Christian, this is the core of the Gospel of Jesus Christ! Jesus himself said that he came for this very reason, i.e., to establish the Kingdom of God (Luke 4:43), a Kingdom that is characterised by justice, mercy, grace, sufficiency, hospitality and love (see Jesus' ministry manifesto in Luke 4:18-19). So, I do believe that my faith is fundamentally political in nature. If I live it out with conviction and courage it will not only bless individuals, but it will also seek to bless and transform social structures!
Well, tomorrow I leave to speak, alongside Graham, at the Daniel Men's conference in Pretoria (Daniel Manne Konferensie, Moreleta Park) - I shall share this same Gospel with the 6500 men who will be there. Real people (and of course real men) have the courage to make the necessary sacrifices to see society transformed to reflect the loving will of God for all people! I always do my best to communicate this message with integrity, humour, passion, and a deep conviction that springs from my understanding of the Christian scriptures and my prayer life.
Then on Saturday morning I fly back early to speak at the Crown conference here in Cape Town where Christian business leaders from all over the world are gathered to seek to rediscover their purpose and role in establishing God's Kingdom. I shall share the platform with Graham at this event as well. This morning I had the privilege of addressing about 50 of this group, from 11 nations, as they visited the Power Group of Companies for a 'pre tour' study session. Today I spoke of the fact that the Gospel of Christ compels us to seek for God's loving grace to transform individuals, families, communities, nations and the world. This Gospel transforms unjust economies and oppressive political systems, but this same gospel mends broken hearts, heals broken bodies and brings hope and life. This Gospel is TRULY Good news to the poor (the poor of all sorts)!
Well, for a little video reflection of this notion please click play below.
Thanks for stopping in! I would love to hear your comments and feedback!
Please could I encourage you to go the Unashamedly Ethical web site and sign up for the campaign? Let's stand together to transform the world! Please do pray for our team, and particularly for Steve Johnstone our international coordinator, as we roll out the program across South Africa and the world!
Reader Comments (2)
First of all congratulations for your new campaign. It's very bad that South african society divided in two parts. I have seen your site as a" REL="nofollow">christian business leader and i like your idea.
I think you've missed out intimidation. This is real, and I have experience of it. In some cases, it might be termed "terror".