Priase be to God! Liam (the great) turns 3!!

It was three years ago today that Liam entered this world! How wonderful it is to celebrate his 3rd birthday!!!!
The 15th of November was one of the most difficult days of our lives as Megan went into labour for the third and final time, then just 27 weeks into her pregnancy. She had been in hospital for about two weeks since she first went into labour after falling ill in her 26th week of pregnancy.
On the that evening I had just arrived home with Courtney after visiting Megan in hospital when the phone rang and the doctor asked me to come back as quickly as I could. I took Courtney to our friend Madika's home and raced back to the hospital where Megan was already in the delivery room. An hour or so later little Liam entered the world at barely 1kg.
Naturally we were overjoyed at his birth, but we knew that we had a journey ahead of us. As Megan was wheeled into surgery after the birth I stood by as the doctor and nurses prepared Liam to go into the intensive care unit at Pretoria East hospital (the neonatal ICU). He was so tiny and fragile.
Well, you can follow some of the story here, and some other bits here.
About a week or so after Liam's birth we took this picture of him with this tiny little teddy-bear. Look how small he was!We prayed through the day and night, and had many wonderful friends and family praying with us! Liam remained under the wonderful care of the ICU unit for almost three months. They were truly wonderful, not only caring for him medically and for us emotionally, but they even worked out a way to help us when our medical aid funds ran out two days before Christmas! The hospital and doctors negotiated a reduced rate so that we could keep him in the ICU. It was truly a magnificent Christmas gift!
Of course there were the many friends, like Wessel Bentley and his wonderful congregation who helped us to cover the almost quarter of a million rand shortfall that we had for his medical expenses. Between our friends, and an extension to our home loan we were able to cover the costs entirely and soon Liam was at home growing at a rate of knots!!!
There have been a few little moments inbetween, he has been in hospital a few times (as you'll see from the links above), and we still have to pay some attention to his physical and cognitive development.
But, these little hiccups are not even worth considering in comparison to the joy of his life!! He is growing up to be such an incredible little guy! He has a wonderful sense of humour, he roughs it with the best of them (climbing, running and jumping), and like his dad, he loves his bicycle!
We were cautioned to expect the worst, and we are thankful that we have only been blessed with the very best!
Here's an updated photograph of our little miracle boy taken this morning... Just look how much he has grown in relation to that same little blue teddy-bear!!Today Liam turned 3 years old, and we give thanks to God for the gift of his life!
Courtney and Liam are the most precious gifts we have ever received! Please take a few moments to give thanks to God with us for Liam, and perhaps also to thank God for your children.
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