Methodist Present Potential - new book by Angela Shier Jones

My friend, Rev Dr Angela Shier Jones' new book 'Methodist Present Potential' has been published! Well done Angie (and Luke Curran, who is the co-editor)!!!
Here's a bit more about the book from the publishers website:
The book looks amazing - it discusses the past, present, and future potential of Methodism! Among the contributors are:
- Angela Shier Jones
- Luke Curran
- Richard Heitzenrater
- Clive Marsh
- Jane Craske
- Jonathan Dean
- Martin Ramsden
- Karen Jobson
- Shirlyn Toppin
- Rachel Deigh...
- And a guy named Dion Forster ;-) I wrote chapter 7 in the book, entitled 'A World Faith'.
Here's a bit more about the book from the publishers website:
Methodist Present Potential is for everyone concerned with the future of Methodism given the threatened demise of the Church in the 21st century.
This book is a dialogue between the present and the past – for the sake of the future. Ten years after the publication of Methodism and the Future a new generation of scholars and church leaders reflect on the tradition that they have inherited.
The book explores the potential of Methodism's approach to: mission and evangelism, Scripture, the sacraments, race and gender, church structures and discipline, ecumenism and the world Church.
This is a huge project for me! It keeps me connected to my Methodist family across the world, and it is an incredible honour to have been asked by Angie to participate in the project. I am by far the most junior scholar in the book.
You can order it from the publisher here or if you live in the USA you can order from Amazon by clicking here.
Well done Angie, and thank you SOOO much for giving me the opportunity to contribute to this great project!
Reader Comments (1)
Dion, I am so proud of you! Well done, my brother. Ordering my copy as we speak.