Eating where the whales hang out... good theology (not mine) and other blessings!

We went to Hermanus for lunch today. It was a perfect day. The last day or two of leave are quickly passing! But, I'll confess that I'm ready to get back to work! Here's a little video of the family (except Courts who was eating ice cream).
By the way, Liam was saying 'Kitty in the water' because there were some rock rabbits (Dassies) on the rocks near the water's edge. There wasn't a REAL kitty in the water! The whales would have eaten it ;-)
Be blessed!
Oh, and I've been re-reading Wes' and my new book - entitled What are we thinking. With all humility - it's brilliant ;-) Well, in truth it IS brilliant, but that's because of all the great authors (11 of them in total) that contributed incredibly thought provoking, challenging and insightful chapters! It is a must read for anyone who is grappling with some of the most contextual issues of our day (same sex relationships, care for gay persons in the Church, the environment, economics and poverty, gender issues and women's rights (in Africa and elsewhere in the world), postmodernism and fresh expressions of Church, reaching young people for Christ without compromising the Gospel, how people misuse texts in the Old Testament to justify Rape in Africa... It's an incredible collection of theologies from a wide variety of scholars! You can order the book here.)
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