Spare a prayer for the citizens of New Orleans - another hurricane is heading that way.

I have followed the 'clean up' and reconstruction after Hurrican Katrina wreaked havoc in New Orleans. Many lost their lives and the city has struggled to get back on its feet (not to mention the unscrupulous capitalists who have made money from the suffering of others (see my post on Naomi Klein's book Shock Doctrine, which considers the rising prevalence of 'disaster capitalism' where companies capitalize on the weakness and suffering of others to buy out their resources and take away their civil liberties and rights in order to enrich and empower themselves)....
Well, many of you will be aware that the citizens of New Orleans have been asked to evacuate the city as Hurrican Gustav approaches... This is extremely concerning!
Please spare a prayer for the citizens of New Orleans! Here's a report from boingboing.

Hurricane Gustav has hit Cuba, and is heading straight for New Orleans with great force. From mayor Ray Nagin, who was, of course, also the city's mayor when Katrina struck 3 years ago this week:
"This is very, very serious, and we need you to heed this warning," he said. "We really don't have the resources to rescue you after this."
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