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Western Province Rugby... Whether we win or loose against the Cheetahs today does not truly matter in the big scheme of things... As Thomas Aquinas used to say 'quid ad eternitatum?' [what is it in the face of eternity?]
Victory is not a measure greatnes when you're God's own Rugby team!! ;-)
Today I am going to Newlands in Cape Town again to watch Western Province play the Cheetahs... My father in law (and in love), my daughter, and my friend Pete Grassow - - are coming along, and today we have the privelage of being in 'the Box'!
update: The outcome of the game was a score of 9 to Western Province and 3 for the Cheetahs. Not the most exciting match in the world (that was last week against the Bulls!), but it was great to be there! Courtney, Pete and my dad enjoyed the box - good food and a good red wine!
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