Why James Fowler was correct, and Holiday Club IS the mystery of the Trinity

My daughter has been attending a youth holiday club at our local Methodist Church (Coronation Ave Methodist Church). It is a Horton hears a who? themed holiday club. She has loved the week!
This evening the parents were invited to come ans see some of what they've done. Here I was reminded that it is the relational aspect of the club that most attracted her, and that helped her to grasp the message that 'no matter how small a person is, they're special and valuable, and loved by God'.
Of course this was also the central message of Church fathers such as Tertullian and Augustine, and the scholastic theologians (most noteably Thomas Aquinas)... The mystery of the Trinity (a loving relationship of three persons) is also the mystery of the fullness of all life - loving relationships between persons and other persons, and loving relationships between all persons and God!
This love cannot be taught... It must be caught! John, perhaps I need to revise my eclesiology! The community of the Church IS important!
Reader Comments (4)
...and I keep telling you to read Barth and Moltmann, but NOOOO!!!!!! - us quasi-alvinists MOS don't know what we're talking about ;-)
Love to the Fam.
sorry, supposed to read "quasi-Calvinists"
alvanists... Yes, that sounds like me! ha ha! Alvin and the Chipmunks are just up my street!
Better than alvin is art (it's like Calvin, but like Bart)....
Thanks Wes!
Dude... please tell me that Jonas played Horton!!!!
sorry... i didn't really read the theologian bit... but then I have an 11 week old... thats my excuse anyway