Lost enthusiasm... When Methodists used to be called 'enthusiasts'

For the past three years or so I have been doing a little show on Radio Pulpit called 'The ministry and me'. As I've looked back through the topics I've spoken of I am able to see where my own theological leanings are located. I have spoken most frequently of my belief that the core of the Gospel is to establish the Kingdom of God. This was the mission of Jesus Christ (Luke 4:34), and so it should also be the mission of the Church and the response of every sincere Christian disciple. When Jesus speaks of this mission he quotes from the Prophet Isaiah. Jesus himself sees the work of establishing the Kingdom as the work of mercy, justice, generosity, and grace (Luke 4:18-19).
The second most frequently presented topic, which is closely related to the first, is that of passion, enthusiasm, and courage! I have tried my best to encourage ministers and servants of Christ to do their very best to not only do the work of establishing the Kingdom of God, but to do so with passion, excitement, commitment and courage!
My experience is that persons are most frequently persuaded by passion and commitment, rather than learning and facts.

Today I would venture that the opposite is true... Somehow the contemporary Church lacks a measure of enthusiasm. Contemporary Christians lack enthusiasm for the things that matter... Well, this was just a thought!
"Keep justice, and do righteousness, for My salvation is about to come, and My righteousness to be revealed." Isaiah 56:1
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