International Global Day of Prayer leaders' meeting at LaMotte in Franschhoek.

It has been amazing for me to realise just how little time, energy, and effort I put into prayer (as a lifestyle) in my ministry. Sure, I pray, and I encouraged others to pray and lead groups in prayer - but these folks seem so committed to ongoing prayer for the needs and struggles of the people they are called to serve!
For some years now I have taken responsibility to pray for each of the student ministers of our denomination (the Methodist Church of Southern Africa) by name (both those that I know and those I have never met). But, I am learning to pray for so many more persons and issues with intention amd passion.
Wouldn't it be incredible if we could live in a world where every person and every need was prayed for?
In my last Radio Pulpit radio show I mentioned that I would love to pray for needs and persons and received so many requests! It was so encouraging! I have asked our intercessory group to assist with those.
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