Would you like to be a published author? This might just be your opportunity to get your thoughts into print!

I like to initiate new projects, and I like it even more when these projects help to develop the people who participate in getting them going! That's how I first got my break in publishing.
So, here's the idea. I would like to put together a new book in which I gather some pressing questions and answers to issues that the Church is facing at present.
You don't need to be trained as a theologian, a pastor, minister, or priest, to participate in the project! Heck, you don't even have to be a Christian or belong to a Church, to get involved! If you think about faith, and have some questions about the Church then consider making a contribution.
Here's what I envision:
1. What are the 10 most pressing, urgent, and difficult questions that the Church is currently facing? If you can think of a few, then drop me an email!
2. Once I have gathered responses and ranked the questions (based on how many people asked a particular question) I am going to ask for answers or responses to these questions from as many people as possible. The answers need only be a paragraph or so in length. All contributors will be referenced and properly acknowledged. We're not looking for rocket science contributions, just honest, challenging, thought provoking, questions and answers!
3. When I have gathered sufficient feedback I will write a few comments on both the questions and answers that were supplied, as well as some introductory and concluding comments. Having done this the book will be prepared for publication and put into print!
So, if you're interested in participating please drop me a line at digitaldion@gmail.com.
Please could I ask my 'blogging friends' to give this idea some thought and consider giving it a bit of exposure on your blogs (Wes, Pete, Gus, Sivin, Barry, Mike Stopforth
Wessel (wesselsplace), Pete (rock in the grass), Gus (gruntleblog), Barry (seethrough), Sifiso (sifiso's world), Sivin (sivinkit), Emily (Christ Church), David (skypilot), Aiden (aidencholes), John (sacredise), Andre (Sharky), Murray (Murray & Gina), Stephen Murray (daylight...), Steve Hayes (Khanya), Jenny (Carpenters shoes), Greg (Dassies Bounce), Kevin (memoirs of an ex Christian), David (naked pastor), Mike Stopforth, Graeme Codrington, Scott McKnight... and whoever else I can think of!
If there are any of you have a few contacts, or ideas of persons that I could contact directly, please let me know!
I think this could be an incredible opportunity to get some magnificent ideas out there, to stimulate thought and discussion, but also to give some newer writers an opportunity to get something published alongside more experienced scholars, writers, and [Christian] thinkers - that's how I got my first break in publishing! This is an ubuntu project - let's discover a deeper identity and greater collective insight into the Church and the Christian faith by learning from and with one another.
Reader Comments (3)
I'll wait to see your questions...
We're having a Youth Day gathering tomorrow, and the transport has been arranged to leave from the old age home... go figure!
I have never been published, come to think of it,I probably never will. Now I have the opportunity to be published alongside more experienced thinkers...
so I was thinking (I thank you!), what makes one person a more experienced thinker than the next? I think if have been thinking since I can remember thinking about thinking why we think. I do have some Afrikaans and Pommie friends who "fink", does that qualify as thinking?
Anyway, as a closing thought (just to build up more experience of thinking), if woman speak more words on average per day than men, surely men have more time to think and therefore would be more experienced thinkers! I think that's all for now!
Andre! That is exactly the kind of thinking I want in the book!!! Experience my friend, clearly (unlike me) you have been thinking since birth! Ha ha!
It has been amazing to see the responses coming in over the last day and a bit. I have received hundreds of replies (from this blog post, a facebook post, and a post on one forum)...
Thanks everyone!